Frequently asked questions

Is this legal?
Yes of course! We don't scrape or do any black-hat practices. We use the official Twitter API to collect the data.
Is this really effective?
Behavioral advertising has been proven to be extremely effective. It's obviously much easier to sell something to someone already interested on your product.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, you can cancel at any time just clicking on a button in your account settings. There is no minimum subscription time, nor cancellation fees, nor any other fee.
What data KiteList exports?
KiteList can export all subscribers & members of Twitter Lists. For each subscriber or member it will export their handle, location, number of followers, name, description and more. You can have a look at a demo export at
What's your refund policy?
If you are not satisfied we are more that happy to refund you your last payment (7 day refund policy)
How does it work exactly
When you open the app we have a very good video explaining everything in details. (You don't need to create an account to watch it)
What if I already have a list I want to export?
Great! You don't need to use our search engine if you already have a list. Simply head to our app, click on the export tab and paste the list link!
I have another question, how can I reach out?
Please email us at or use the contact form below

Get in touch

If you have any other question, please fill the form below.